Engage incredible founders as your Advisory Board?

Engage incredible founders as your Advisory Board. With incredible founders and leaders with decades of running the business, you get a board supporting a company’s leadership team with guidance on the company vision, innovation, risk management, and profitability.

No startup founder reaches success alone. Even when an entrepreneur has grown the seed of an idea into a full-fledged, successful company, he/she should rely on external expertise to keep their organization flourishing. It’s time for an advisory board.

At its simplest, advisory boards are groups of subject matter experts and/or industry leaders. The role of an advisory board is to provide a company’s leadership team with guidance on the company vision, innovation, risk management, and profitability. Though they provide management with advice, they do not possess the authority to vote on corporate matters.

The timing around assembling an advisory board is dependent on the company’s needs and capacity. The following include situations where a company might benefit from an advisory board:

Executive Advisory Board

There’s a specific objective and internal resources are not equipped to execute it. A company with specific needs such as making an acquisition, selling the company, entering a new market, building leadership team, Market & Business Strategy

Customer Advisory Board

A specific board that focusses on Customer Voice, Customer Advocacy, Customer Satisfaction & Customer Retention

Revenue Advisory Board

A specific board that focuses on exploring, defining, and optimizing for revenue. New Markets, new revenue Streams, expanding existing streams, key partnerships & more

Technology Advisory Board

A specific board that focusses on Technology development to stay relevant and ahead of competition in the market, including tech leadership hiring

Financial Advisory Board

A specific board that focusses on MIS, financial planning, budget allocations, compliance and risk management

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